- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
Ok so where are we ... Two stools, with all the joinery cut.
Both are structurally complete with all the components dry fit in place. The next step is to round over all the sharp edges and put some shape into the seat ends and the centre brace ends.
I used my t(rusty) old Stanley 102 block plane to break the aris of all the edges and my no#4 to bevel the seat ends. I made sure to sharpen before starting as this is all end grain work.
Sand paper and a file was also used to smooth the edges where appropriate. The final shaping isnt complete as there will have to be further clean up after gluing to finish it.
I also planed the components and done any final tweaking to make sure the joinery was tight.
Time for Glue Up...
Luckily, the glue up of the larger stool went smoothly. Not having enough clamps, I only dry fit the center brace of each stool during glue up to keep the legs square. I will do these on both stools together after the main glue up is complete.
I used the kitchen work surface after checking it for flat to stand each stool on, before shimming each leg using folded paper to get the stool level. I used my combination square level to check both dimensions, before using a small block of wood and a ruler to mark around each leg.
I used my marking knife and chisel to further mark each cut and make the cut more accurate using my carcass saw. A quick chamfer of each leg using my block plane and sand paper to stop the end grain splitting if the stool is moved sidechoices on carpet for example and I am basically done.
I finally spent some further time cleaning up and sanding before rubbing each stool with a coat of Boiled Linseed Oil. I may experiment with some liquid wax finish as well.
So ... two stools finished. I think I prefer the look of the smaller stool. I definitely wont make any further projects two at a time. I seem to lose focus and miss being able to concentrate on the details of a single piece. Not to mention progress is obviously a lot faster... and more enjoyable.
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