Its funny how things all turn out and help you make a decision. In the past week I have both sold my boat... and ... received a lovely letter (and cheque) from the Tax man. Finally, the icing on the cake,... I was sent a discount email for 10% off any item from Axminster tools.
Now, despite all the above, ... This decision did not come lightly I can assure you! I am sure the Quangsheng planes would have probably served my purpose adequately, in fact from the reviews I know they would.
They sound like really good planes at amazingly cheap prices. But... I am thinking of this as a one time quality purchase and I would alchoices be wondering or lusting after the Lie Nielsen tools. No political or moral views came into it - I simply could afford what I wanted in the first place, regardless of the quality and value for money of the competition.
Its lovely! ... If I get the same feeling from using this new no#7 plane as I get from my other LN tools, its money well spent. I am also enquiring about a LN no#3 smoother in iron (not bronze), but I would like it with an O1 blade and the high angle 55 degree frog. I have decided against the LN no#5 Jack plane for the moment as my old Stanley no#6 has been (begrudgingly) earning its keep with a newly cambered iron.
As the new no#7 jointer / try plane and my crusty rough and ready no#6 fore plane both have 2 3/8" irons I decided to also spring for the DMT Diasharp 8"x3" stones in both Fine and XX Fine (8000g). I will still keep and use my 6"x2" DMT stones for chisels etc as they are a lot lighter and more portable for other work or jobs I may do achoice from the house.
And lastly, its time I started doing a lot more dovetail work and treated myself to the Veritas 1:6 dovetail marker.
I will be using it in a little project soon....
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