With the announcement of the FWW Live Build-Off, Fine Woodworking Live 2013 just got a lot more interesting.
When FWWLive 2013 was first announced, the change in format and speaker list showed it would be even better than last year (and last year was great). When +Asa Christiana appeared on our Modern Woodworkers Association podcast to discuss FWWLive 2013, he let the cat out of the bag and mentioned that as an evening activity during the conference there would be a build-off. The details were sketchy, but the idea of conference attendees using limited tools, time and materials to build a project and then judging them against each other sounded like the kind of competition I could get behind.
Last week the formal FWW Live Buildoff announcement was made:
Weve filled in the final blank in the packed schedule with a Friday-night build-off open to all conference attendees. Whether you want to join a team or just hang out and watch the action unfold, you are sure to have a great time as show-goers partner up to design and build a piece of furniture using only 2x4s and screws.
Teams (made up of any attendee who wants to participate) will have about an hour and a half to design and build a piece of furniture. The type of furniture being build will not be announced until the day of the Build-Off (I bet they don’t know yet).
Bosch has stepped up to supply these brave woodworkers with jigsaws, cordless drills, and bits. FWW will supply the wood, screws, and sawhorses to work on. Along with bragging rights for the next calendar year, the top three teams will take home some of those very tools and supplies, plus theyll be featured on FineWoodworking.com.
Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be getting to FWW Live 2013 until Saturday morning, but here and now I’m publicly calling out +Christopher Adkins and all other MWA members who’ll be in attendance. I expect us to have a team, to build a kick ass piece, and talk more smack than all the other teams combined.
If you’re going to FWW Live 2013, be sure to build a piece of furniture while you’re there.
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